Layering your term protection with a Term Rider

Life can be complicated. Sometimes you need more life insurance than you initially purchased, to meet new or changing needs, or to keep up with the cost of living. Riders allow you to update your life insurance coverage to meet your changing circumstances and grow with you and your family.

A term rider is separate from your basic coverage and provides additional benefits. It attaches to your base contract, and has rates that typically start lower when you are younger, and usually increase at set intervals, like when you reach the next age bracket. It also ends at a specific time, at the end of the “term”.

How do you know if you need a term rider?

A simple way to gauge is to consider what you want to provide for the people who depend on you, when you’re not there to take care of them. Some common costs to evaluate would be:

Lost work or retirement income

Funeral costs

Health care payments



College tuition

Car payments

Credit/Debt/Loan payments

Elder parent care

If your existing coverage doesn’t cover what you need it to, a term rider could be an easy way to help fill the gap.